Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 3

Law - Essay Example Section 4 of the Act of Settlement 1700, comports with Dicey’s concept of the rule of law and sets the basic framework of the UK’s constitution. Section 4 mandates that â€Å"the laws of England are the birthright of the people.†2 Dicey’s definition of the UK’s constitution, together with Section 4 point to the significance of the separation of powers under the British constitution. To this end, Dicey formulated what he referred to as the â€Å"twin pillars† of the UK’s Constitution which essentially places Parliamentary sovereignty as the backbone of the twin pillars of the UK Constitution. Dicey explains that Parliament: â€Å"†¦has under the British Constitution, the right to make or unmake any law whatever; and further, that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament.†3 â€Å"...all that a court of justice can do is to look at the Parliamentary roll: if from that it should appear that a bill has passed both houses and received the Royal Assent, no court of justice can inquire into the mode in which it was introduced into Parliament, what was done to it previously being introduced, or what passed in Parliament during the various stages of its progress through both houses of Parliament.†4 Similarly, Lord Morris said in Pickin v British Railways Board [1974] AC 63 that the courts’ function is to â€Å"administer the laws which Parliament† enacts.5 Although there is an onerous process in Parliament for the passing of a bill, once that bill has been passed into law â€Å"there is finality unless and until it is amended or repealed by Parliament.†6 As for the courts, â€Å"there may be argument as to the correct interpretation of the enactment† however, there cannot be any discussion as to whether or not the act â€Å"should be on the statute book at all.†7 In the UK there is no codified Constitution, such as that found in the US

Monday, October 28, 2019

Obstacles to negotiation Essay Example for Free

Obstacles to negotiation Essay Sometimes people fail to negotiate because they do not recognize that they are in a bargaining position. They may fail to identify a good opportunity for negotiation, and may use other options that do not allow them to manage their problems as effectively. Or, they may recognize the need for bargaining but may bargain poorly because they do not fully understand the process and lack good negotiating skills. In such cases, getting parties to participate in negotiations is a very challenging process. In addition, both parties must be ready to negotiate if the process is to succeed. If efforts to negotiate are initiated too early, before both sides are ready, they are likely to fail. Then the conflict may not be open to negotiation again for a long time. Before they will negotiate, parties must be aware of their alternatives to a negotiated settlement. They must believe that a negotiated solution would be preferable to continuing the current situation, that a fair settlement can be reached, and that the balance of forces permits such an agreement. Weaker parties must feel assured that they will not be overpowered in a negotiation, and parties must trust that their needs and interests will be fairly considered in the negotiation process. In many cases, conflicts become ripe for negotiation when both sides realize that they cannot get what they want through a power struggle and that they have reached a hurting stalemate. This means that a potential agreement exists that would benefit both sides more than their alternatives do. However, parties must first explore their various interests, options, and alternatives. In addition, each side must believe that the other side is willing to compromise. If the parties regard each other with suspicion and mistrust, they may conclude that the other side is not committed to the negotiation process and may withdraw. The dilemma of trust concerns how much you should believe of what the other party tells you. If you believe everything this person says, then he or she could take advantage of you. But if you believe nothing this other person says, then reaching an agreement will be very difficult. The search for an optimal solution is greatly aided if parties trust each other and believe that they are being treated honestly and fairly. In many cases, the negotiators relationship becomes entangled with the substantive issues under discussion. Any misunderstanding that arises between them will reinforce their prejudices and arouse their emotions. If parties believe that the fulfillment of their basic needs is threatened, they may begin to blame each other and may break off communication. As the issue becomes more personalized, perceived differences are magnified and cooperation becomes unlikely. In addition, parties may maintain their commitment to a course of action even when that commitment constitutes irrational behavior on their part. Once they have adopted a confrontational approach, negotiators may seek confirming evidence for that choice and ignore contradictory evidence. To combat perceptual bias and hostility, negotiators should attempt to gain a better understanding of the other partys perspective and try to see the situation as the other side sees it. Finally, if the right people are not involved in negotiations, the process is not likely to succeed. First, all of the interested and affected parties must be represented. Second, negotiators must truly represent and have the trust of those they are representing. If a party is left out of the process, they may become angry and argue that their interests have not been taken into account. Negotiators must therefore be sure to consult with their constituents and to ensure that they adequately deal with constituents concerns. http://www. beyondintractability. org/essay/negotiation (2007). In the above discussion, we can derive that in negotiation, an upfront attitude with a clear understanding of good faith, will pave way for an individual to succeed in the process and be straightforward with what he or she wants. This is a very important tool in marketing, especially in this stage of globalization where one needs to deliver the core competencies of his products and sell it to the world – whether under compromise or in conflict with the rest. Negotiation is more so affected with the nature of the product – again, if it is indeed answering or meeting a demand at the right place and at the right time. Armed with sufficient knowledge in negotiation skills and practices, this is deemed useful in marketing and ins strategizing on how to penetrate the market without spoiling it, given one’s steady relationship with his competitors and existing industry members. Further in this paper, the theories or practices discussed will set as guiding principles in staging the industry of bio-cosmetics in the market with a clear and receptive approach of the major players. Such major player is the environment of the product it will be introduced or the environment it is currently in. Environments play a huge role in determining the business prospects of the company. In this regard, it is also necessary to understand the life history theory of a product which will attempt to demonstrate the many aspects of an environment – all influencing or changing the life of a product (see appended illustration below for the Life History Theory): Source: Joseph (2000:6-30).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird: Jem Grows Up :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, has won many prestigious awards and is still a very classic and appreciated book in our society today. Jem, a character in the book, grows up and realizes that you have to step in someone else’s shoes to understand why they make the decisions that they make. Once Jem saw that the knot-hole in the tree was filled with cement he started crying because he stepped into Boo Radley’s shoes. Also, When Jem learned that Mrs. Dubose had died, he stepped into her shoes and then felt sorry for her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One way that shows that Jem grows up and realizes that he has to step in someone else’s shoes to understand why they make the decisions that they make is when he discovers that Nathan Radley filled the knot-hole in the tree with cement. He told Jem that he filled the tree with cement due to the fact that the tree was dying, when it was obviously not. Boo was communicating with them by placing gifts in the knot-hole. Jem steps into Boo’s shoes at that point and figures out that all Boo was trying to do was communicate with the children, and putting gifts in the knot-hole was the only way he knew how to without getting a lot of attention from the public. Jem knows that if he were locked up in his own house for that long, he would try to communicate and have a little fun with children that he sees playing around in the neighborhood. That is why he cries; he knows that Boo is just trying to be nice and communicate with them, and he just doesn’t un derstand why Nathan Radley would cut that communication between his brother and the children   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another way that shows that Jem grows up and realizes that he has to step in someone else’s shoes to understand why they make the decisions that they make is when he learned that Mrs. Dubose had died. When he was reading to Mrs. Dubose, he hated it, and he hated her for making him do it for so long. Once he learned that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict, and that her fits were from it, he ate all of his bad comments about her. He stepped into her shoes and saw everything from her perspective. He knew that if he were in her position, he would have probably done the same thing.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivating Teachers Essay

In today’s school system where ‘no child is left behind’; the teacher is set up for failure. Combined with achieving metrics on standard testing scores; these extrinsic motivators seem to be the only thing presented to teachers today. They are expected to be high quality teachers who are able to inspire, mentor, design and align lessons, differentiate instruction, craft assessments, analyze data, grade homework, connect with parents, enforce discipline, promote fitness, cultivate a love of learning, write individualized education programs, and so on. Look at what we are expecting of our teachers today, and how we are trying to motivate them. The joy of teaching students to make their own decisions and succeed in life seems to be gone. Perhaps it is time to rethink the teaching job itself so that more people might do it well. One idea is to create more specific teaching jobs so that each teacher isn’t asked to excel at so many different tasks on a day to day basis. The idea is to revamp the job in a way that allows individual teachers to spend more time doing what they’re best at. Rocketship Education (www. rsed. org) is an example of a high-performance charter school that uses a hybrid model of classroom instruction, real-time assessments, and customized, supplementary services in its â€Å"learning lab. † Using this type of a method means that the actual tasks that each teacher must do have been recreated. It allows the teacher to concentrate on coaching, motivating, instructing and problem solving around student issues and needs. In Boston, there are examples of Citizen Schools (www. citizenschools. org) which provide a new idea of who can teach. These schools leverage local professionals on a part-time basis to teach on specific topics and areas of expertise. These examples suggest opportunities to expand and better use the pool of teaching talent through smart differentiation and specialization. These methods use intrinsic motivation to increase teaching effectiveness by allowing autonomy for teachers to instruct students in the topics that they have an affinity for. It seems that current standard practice in schools has all teachers—regardless of skill or demonstrated performance—taking equal turns monitoring the lunchroom, supervising bus loading, patrolling the hallways, filling out stacks of mandated paperwork, and the rest. Increase in effectiveness would be shown by allowing more specialization.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mitch Epstein.A new history of photography Essay

Mitch Epstein Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mitch Epstein acknowledged widely as one of the most distinguished art photographers around the globe, however a whole survey of his art is yet to be published. Mitch Epstein, who is the color photography pioneer and has been making films, photographic books and also pictures for around 35 years. From 1990’s the Vietnam pictures present the artist’s distinctive balance of nuanced wit and formal rigor; and they are clear illustration of what detractor Joanna Lehan refers to Epstein’s â€Å"jaw-dropping color use.† Epstein photographs also are a significant sign in Epstein’s progression as a photographer, a link between Epstein’s early street artistic work and also his huge format work to appear (Moore et al, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The pictures in the display are a lyrical odyssey during post war Vietnam. Photographs by Epstein depicts that under beauty there lies violence while under the war remnants is a society struggling with continued censorship and new freedoms. Mitch Epstein visited Vietnam where he made six trips there when the nation began opening its borders around 1992 and 1995 to the outsiders following two decades of separation. He worked together on a book with radical Vietnamese novelist where he was able to get access to the nation that a small number of outsiders had. However, in 1995 Epstein learned that he would be requires to hand over his pictures to the government of Vietnam for censorship. Epstein ended the collaboration due to artistic freedom and his book was published by means of a text by the Vietnamese artist. Epstein photographs are up to now virtually hidden in the nation from which they surfaced, except through the intelligentsia that w ere responsible in smuggling in the book (Frizot, 1998).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The exhibition enlightens an indispensable point in the career of Epstein. The method of the artist became more painterly and deliberate in Vietnam. He revived and mastered the life which was at standstill. His sluggish, gradually formalist approach obviously resulted to 8x 10 view camera that he uses now. Vietnam also marked a new period whereby politics indirectly would, yet considerably have an effect on Epstein’s artistic work. Epstein’s next works all suggest a keen sense of community’s intrigues, just like the Vietnam photographs do. In Vietnam, Family business, American power and The city, Epstein delicately depicts that power of a nation, a patriarch or a city leaves its mark on the public landscape and also in the private lives. In America also Epstein continued with his art of photography where he travelled across the whole nation, making the photographs not just of wind turbines, oil refineries and nuclear r eactors, but also of solar ovens, electric chairs and gas stations (Moore et al, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New work being carried out by Epstein is a sequence of photographs of idiosyncratic trees inhabiting the New York City. These pictures depict the significance of trees to the urban life and also their multifaceted relationship to their human correspondents. The cumulative significance of these photographs is to reverse the individual’s usual perception concerning their city. In this regard the trees do not function as background any longer, and instead control the architecture and human life around the world. Mitch Epstein’s work has influenced many people across the globe and therefore making his artistic work significant to the history of photography (Epstein, 2005). References Epstein, M. (2005). Recreation: American photographs 1973 – 1988 (1. ed.). GoÃÅ'ˆttingen: Steidl. Frizot, M. (1998). A new history of photography. KoÃÅ'ˆln: KoÃÅ'ˆnemann. Moore, K. D., Crump, J., & Rubinfien, L. (2010). Starburst: color photography in America 1970-1980. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rudolf Hess, Nazi Who Claimed to Be Bringing Peace Offer

Rudolf Hess, Nazi Who Claimed to Be Bringing Peace Offer Rudolf Hess was a top Nazi official and close associate of Adolph Hitler who shocked the world in the spring of 1941 by flying a small plane to Scotland, parachuting to the ground, and claiming when captured that he was delivering a peace proposal from Germany. His arrival was met with astonishment and skepticism, and he spent the rest of the war in captivity. Fast Facts: Rudolph Hess Birth: April 26, 1894, Alexandria, Egypt.Death: August 17, 1987, Spandau Prison, Berlin, Germany.Known for: High-ranking Nazi who flew to Scotland in 1941, claiming to bring a peace proposal. Close Hitler Associate There has always been considerable debate about Hesss mission. The British concluded he had no authority to negotiate peace, and questions about his motivations and even his sanity persisted. There was no doubt that Hess had been a longtime associate of Hitler. He had joined the Nazi movement when it was a tiny fringe group on the edge of German society and during Hitlers rise to power he became a trusted aide. At the time of his flight to Scotland, he was widely known to the outside world as a trusted member of Hitlers inner circle. Hess was ultimately convicted at the Nuremberg Trials, and would outlive the other Nazi war criminals who were convicted alongside him. Serving a life term in grim Spandau Prison in West Berlin, he ultimately became the prisons sole inmate for the last two decades of his life. Even his death in 1987 was controversial. By official account, he had committed suicide by hanging himself at the age of 93. Yet rumors of foul play circulated and still persist. After his death the German government had to deal with his grave in a family plot in Bavaria becoming a pilgrimage site for modern day Nazis. Early Career Hess was born as Walter Richard Rudolf Hess in Cairo, Egypt, on April 26, 1894. His father was a German merchant based in Egypt, and Hess was educated at a German school in Alexandria and later at schools in Germany and Switzerland. He embarked on a business career which was quickly interrupted by the outbreak of war in Europe when he was 20 years old. In World War I Hess served in a Bavarian infantry unit and eventually trained as a pilot. When the war ended with Germanys defeat Hess was embittered. Like many other disgruntled German veterans, his deep disillusionment led him to radical political movements. Hess became an early adherent of the Nazi Party, and forged a close association with the partys rising star, Hitler. Hess served as Hitlers secretary and bodyguard in the early 1920s. After the abortive coup in 1923 in Munich, which became famous as the Beer Hall Putsch, Hess was imprisoned with Hitler. During this period Hitler dictated to Hess part of what became his notorious book Mein Kampf. As the Nazis rose to power, Hess was given important posts by Hitler. In 1932 he was appointed head of the partys central commission. In the following years he continued being promoted, and his role in the top Nazi leadership was evident. A front-page headline in the New York Times in the summer of 1934 referred to his likely position as Hitlers closest subordinate and successor: Hitler Understudy Likely To Be Hess. In 1941, Hess was officially known as the third most powerful Nazi, after only Hitler and Herman Goering. In reality his power had probably faded, yet he was still in close contact with Hitler. As Hess hatched his plan to fly out of Germany, Operation Sea Lion, Hitlers plan to invade England the previous year had been postponed. Hitler was turning his attention eastward and making plans to invade Russia. Flight to Scotland On May 10, 1941, a farmer in Scotland discovered a German flier, wrapped in a parachute, on his land. The flier, whose Messerschmitt fighter plane had crashed nearby, first claimed to be an ordinary military pilot, giving his name as Alfred Horn. He was taken into custody by the British military. Hess, posing as Horn, told his captors he was a friend of the Duke of Hamilton, a British aristocrat and noted aviator who had attended the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The Germans, or at least Hess, seemed to believe the Duke could help broker a peace deal. While detained in a hospital shortly after his capture, Hess got to meet the Duke of Hamilton and revealed his true identity. The Duke immediately contacted Prime Minister Winston Churchill and informed him that he had met Hess years earlier and the man who had landed in Scotland was indeed the high-ranking Nazi. British authorities expressed astonishment as the peculiar story of Hesss arrival in Scotland made headlines around the world. The earliest dispatches about Hesss flight from Germany to Scotland were full of speculation about his purpose and motives. One theory in the early press accounts was that Hess feared a purge was coming of top Nazi officials and Hitler might be planning to have him killed. Another theory was that Hess had decided to abandon the Nazi cause and help the British. The official story which was ultimately put out by the British was that Hess claimed to be bringing a peace proposal. The British leadership did not take Hess seriously. In any event, less than a year after the Battle of Britain the British were in no mood to discuss peace with Hitler. The Nazi leadership, for its part, distanced itself from Hess and put out the story that he had been suffering from delusions. For the rest of the war Hess was held by the British. His mental state was often questioned. At one point he seemed to attempt suicide by jumping over the railing of a staircase, breaking a leg in the process. He seemed to spend most of his time staring into space and began to habitually complain that he believed his food was being poisoned. Decades of Captivity Following the end of World War II, Hess was put on trial at Nuremberg along with other leading Nazis. Throughout the ten months of the 1946 war crimes trial, Hess often seemed disoriented as he sat in the courtroom along with other high-ranking Nazis. At times he read a book. Often he stared into space, seeming to have no interest in what was happening around him. Rudolf Hess, with arms extended, at the Nuremberg Trial. Getty Images   On October 1, 1946, Hess was sentenced to life in prison. Twelve of the other Nazis on trial with him were sentenced to be hanged, and others received sentences of 10 to 20 years. Hess was the only Nazi leader to be sentenced to a life term. He escaped the death penalty mainly because his mental state was questionable and he had spent the bloodiest years of the Nazi terror locked up in England. Hess served his sentence in Spandau Prison in West Berlin. Other Nazi prisoners died in prison or were released as their terms ended, and from October 1, 1966, onward, Hess was Spandaus only prisoner. His family periodically sought to have him released, but their appeals were always refused. The Soviet Union, which had been a party to the Nuremberg trials, insisted that he serve every day of his life sentence. In prison, Hess was still mostly a mystery. His peculiar behavior continued, and it wasnt until the 1960s that he agreed to have monthly visits from family members. He was in the news at times when he was taken to a British military hospital in Germany for treatment of various ailments. Controversy After Death Hess died in prison on August 17, 1987, at the age of 93. It was revealed that he had strangled himself with an electrical cord. His jailers said he had left a note indicating a desire to kill himself. Rumors circulated that Hess had been murdered, supposedly because he had become a figure of fascination for neo-Nazis in Europe. The Allied powers released his body to his family, despite fears that his grave would become a shrine for Nazi sympathizers. At his funeral in a Bavarian graveyard in late August 1987 scuffles broke out. The New York Times reported that about 200 Nazi sympathizers, some dressed in Third Reich uniforms, scuffled with police. Hess was buried in a family plot and the site did become a gathering place for Nazis. In the summer of 2011, fed up with visits by Nazis, the cemetery administration exhumed Hesss remains. His body was then cremated and his ashes scattered at sea in an unknown location. Theories about Hesss flight to Scotland continue to emerge. In the early 1990s, files released from Russias KGB seemed to indicate that British intelligence officers had lured Hess to leave Germany. The Russian files included reports from the notorious mole Kim Philby. The official reason for Hesss flight remains as it was in 1941: Hess believed he could, on his own, make peace between Germany and Britain. Sources: Walter Richard Rudolf Hess. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 7, Gale, 2004, pp. 363-365. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Rudolf Hess Is Dead In Berlin; Last of Hitler Inner Circle. New York Times 18 August 1987. A1.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Origins of Slavery in Virginia essays

Origins of Slavery in Virginia essays Slavery in Virginia was a trend that spread throughout the state. Many factors made slavery possible in Virginia. Some key factors that lead to the development of slavery was the supply of labor, the cost of labor, the life span of colonist, the fear of lower class rebellion, the legal structure, and racism. The supply of labor in Virginia before the 1660s was mostly done my indentured servants. Indentured servants were males usually under 25, single, and lacked land in England and came to America for a new beginning. Indentured servants contracts usually lasted three to five years and occasionally seven in some cases. Many indentured servants were treated poorly and often abused. These indentured servants would often write back to their home in England tell of their horrific treatment that was bestowed upon them. A shortage of indentured servants was also brought about by the Plague of 1665 which devastated the English population along with London Fire the following year which created a new need for workers of all kinds to rebuild the capital. For these many reasons, the supply of indentured servants fell while the demand for labor rose. Another factor that lead to the development of slavery was the cost of an African slave compared to an indentured servant. A landowner had to buy an indentured servant every few years to take the place of another indentured servant due to their contract expiring. A slave, on the other hand, was bought and could provide many years of service because they could not be freed after a few short years of service. In fact, many slaves had children that were born into slavery which was free labor for the landlord. For many planters it only made sense, economically, to buy slaves. The life expectancy in the area around Virginia increased due to sturdier dwellings and more stable living conditions. This further motivated planters to move away from ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President

Biography of John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917–Nov. 22, 1963), the first U.S. president born in the 20th century, was born to a wealthy, politically connected family. Elected as the 35th president in 1960, he took office on Jan. 20, 1961, but his life and legacy were cut short when he was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas.  Though he served as president for less than three years, his brief term coincided with the height of the Cold War, and his tenure was marked by some of the biggest crises and challenges of the 20th century. Fast Facts: John F. Kennedy Known For: First U.S. president born in the 20th century, known for the fiasco of The Bay of Pigs early in his term, his highly praised response to the Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as his assassination on Nov. 22, 1963.Also Known As: JFKBorn: May 29, 1917 in Brookline, MassachusettsParents: Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Rose FitzgeraldDied: Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas,  TexasEducation: Harvard University  (BA, 1940), Stanford University Graduate School of Business (1940–1941)Published Works: Profiles in CourageAwards and Honors: Navy and Marine Corps Medal, Purple Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, Pulitzer Prize for Biography (1957)Spouse: Jacqueline L.  Bouvier (m. Sept. 12, 1953–Nov. 22, 1963)Children: Caroline,  John F. Kennedy, Jr.Notable Quote: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Early Life Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was sickly as a child and continued to have health problems for the rest of his life. He attended private schools  including Choate and Harvard (1936–1940), where he majored in political science. An active and accomplished undergraduate, Kennedy graduated cum laude. Kennedys father was the indomitable Joseph Kennedy. Among other ventures, he was the head of the SEC and the ambassador to Great Britain. His mother was a Boston socialite named Rose  Fitzgerald. He had nine siblings including  Robert Kennedy, who he appointed as the U.S. attorney general. Robert Kennedy was assassinated in 1968. In addition, his brother Edward Kennedy was a senator from Massachusetts who served from 1962 until his death in 2009. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier, a wealthy socialite and photographer, on Sept. 12, 1953. Together they had two children:  Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr. Another son, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, died on Aug. 9, 1963, two days after his birth. Military Career Kennedy was originally turned down by both the Army and Navy because of his back pain and other medical problems. He didn’t give up, and with the help of his father’s political contacts, he was accepted into the Navy in 1941. He made it through the Navy Officer Candidate School but then failed another physical. Determined not to spend his military career sitting behind a desk, he again called upon his fathers contacts. With their help, he managed to get into a new PT boat training program. After completing the program, Kennedy served in the Navy during World War II and rose to the rank of lieutenant. He was given command of PT-109. When the boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer, he and his crew were thrown into the water. He was able to swim four hours to save himself and a fellow crewman, but he aggravated his back in the process. He received the Purple Heart and the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his military service and was hailed for his heroism. House of Representatives Kennedy worked for a time as a journalist before running for the House of Representatives. Now considered a Navy war hero, Kennedy was elected to the House in November 1946. This class also included another former Navy man whose career arc would eventually intersect with Kennedy’s- Richard M. Nixon. Kennedy served three terms in the House- he was reelected in 1948 and 1950- where he gained a reputation as a somewhat conservative Democrat. He did show himself to be an independent thinker, not always following the party line, such as in his opposition to the Taft-Hartley Act, an anti-union bill that passed both the House and Senate overwhelmingly during the 1947-1948 session. As a freshman member of the minority party in the House and not a member of any of the committees of jurisdiction, there was little else Kennedy could do other than speak against the bill, which he did. U.S. Senate Kennedy was later elected to the U.S. Senate- defeating Henry Cabot Lodge II, who would later become the Republican U.S. vice presidential candidate on the 1960 ticket alongside Nixon- where he served from 1953 to 1961. Again, he did not always vote with the Democratic majority. Kennedy had more impact in the Senate than in the House. For example, in late spring 1953, he gave three speeches on the Senate floor outlining his New England economic plan, which he said would be good for New England and the nation as a whole. In the speeches, Kennedy called for a diversified economic base for New England and the U.S., with job training and technical assistance for the workers and relief from harmful tax provisions for the firms. In other areas, Kennedy: Distinguished himself as a national figure in the debate and vote on building the St. Lawrence Seaway;Used his position on the Senate Labor Committee to push for an increase in the minimum wage and to protect union rights in an environment where Congress was trying to strip unions of any power to bargain effectively;Joined the Foreign Relations Committee in 1957, where he supported Algerian independence from France and sponsored an amendment that would provide aid to Russian satellite nations;Introduced an amendment to the National Defense Education Act to eliminate the requirement that aid recipients sign a loyalty oath. During his time in the Senate, Kennedy also authored Profiles in Courage, which won a Pulitzer Prize for biography in 1957, although there was some question about its true authorship. Election of 1960 In 1960, Kennedy was nominated to run for the presidency against Nixon, who was by then Dwight D. Eisenhowers vice  president. During Kennedys nominating speech, he set forward his ideas of a New Frontier. Nixon made the mistake of meeting Kennedy in debates- the first televised presidential debates in U.S. history- during which Kennedy came off as young and vital. During the campaign, both candidates worked to win support from the growing suburban population. Kennedy sought to pull together key elements of Franklin D. Roosevelts coalition of the 1930s- urban minorities, ethnic voting blocs, and organized labor- win back conservative Catholics who had deserted the Democrats to vote for Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956, and hold his own in the south. Nixon emphasized the record of the Eisenhower years and promised to keep the federal government from dominating the free market economy and the lives of Americans. At the time, some sectors expressed concern that a Catholic president, which Kennedy would be, would be beholden to the Pope in Rome. Kennedy confronted the issue in a speech before the Greater-Houston Ministerial Association, in which he said: I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute; where no Catholic prelate would tell the President- should he be Catholic- how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote. The anti-catholic feeling remained strong among some sectors of the populace, but Kennedy won by the smallest margin of popular votes since 1888, 118,574 votes. However, he received 303 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments Domestic policy: Kennedy had a tough time getting many of his domestic programs through Congress. However, he did get an increased minimum wage, better Social Security benefits, and an urban renewal package passed. He created the Peace Corps, and his goal to get to the moon by the end of the 1960s found overwhelming support. On the Civil Rights front, Kennedy initially did not challenge Southern Democrats. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that only by breaking unjust laws and accepting the consequences could African-Americans show the true nature of their treatment. The press reported daily on the atrocities occurring due to nonviolent protest and civil disobedience. Kennedy used executive orders and personal appeals to aid the movement. His legislative programs, however, would not pass until after his death. Foreign affairs: Kennedys foreign policy began in failure with the Bay of Pigs debacle of 1961. A small force of Cuban exiles was to lead a revolt in Cuba but was captured instead. Americas reputation was seriously harmed. Kennedys confrontation with Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev in June 1961 led to the construction of the Berlin Wall. Further, Khrushchev began building nuclear missile bases in Cuba. Kennedy ordered a quarantine of Cuba in response. He warned that any attack from Cuba would be seen as an act of war by the USSR. This standoff led to the dismantling of the missile silos in exchange for promises that the U.S. would not invade Cuba. Kennedy also agreed to a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963 with Great Britain and the USSR. Two other important events during his term were the Alliance for Progress (the U.S. provided aid to Latin America) and the problems in Southeast Asia. North Vietnam was sending troops through Laos to fight in South Vietnam. The Souths leader, Ngo Dinh Diem, was ineffective. America increased its military advisers from 2,000 to 16,000 during this time. Diem was overthrown but new leadership was no better. When Kennedy was killed, Vietnam was approaching a boiling point. Assassination Kennedys three years in office were somewhat turbulent, but by 1963 he was still popular and thinking about running for a second term. Kennedy and his advisers felt that Texas was a state that could provide crucial electoral votes, and they made plans for Kennedy and Jackie to visit the state, with stops planned for San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas, and Austin. On Nov. 22, 1963, after addressing the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, Kennedy and the first lady boarded a plane for a brief flight to Dallas, arriving just before noon accompanied by about 30 members of the Secret Service. They were met by a 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible limousine  that would take them on a 10-mile parade route within the city of Dallas, ending at the Trade Mart, where Kennedy was scheduled to deliver a luncheon address. He never made it. Thousands lined the streets, but just before 12:30 p.m., the presidential motorcade turned right from Main Street onto Houston Street and entered Dealey Plaza. After passing the Texas School Book Depository, at the corner of Houston and Elm, shots suddenly rang out. One shot hit Kennedy’s throat, and as he reached up with both hands toward the injury, another shot struck his head, mortally wounding him. Kennedys apparent assassin,  Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed by Jack Ruby before standing trial. The Warren Commission was called to investigate Kennedys death and found that Oswald had acted alone to kill Kennedy. Many argued, however, that there was more than one gunman, a theory upheld by a 1979 House Committee investigation. The FBI and a 1982 study disagreed. Speculation continues to this day. Legacy Kennedy was important more for his iconic reputation than his legislative actions. His many inspiring speeches are often quoted. His youthful vigor and fashionable first lady was hailed as American royalty; his time in office was termed Camelot. His assassination has taken on a mythic quality, leading many to posit about possible conspiracies involving everyone from  Lyndon Johnson  to the Mafia. His moral leadership of Civil Rights was an important part of the movements eventual success. Sources â€Å"Campaign of 1960.†Ã‚  JFK Library.â€Å"Details You Didnt Know About the Death of JFKs Son, Patrick..†Ã‚, 4 Nov. 2018.â€Å"John F. Kennedy.†Ã‚, AE Networks Television, 14 Jan. 2019.â€Å"John F. Kennedy.†Ã‚  The White House, The United States Government.â€Å"JFKs Assassination Aided by His Bad Back, Records Show.†Ã‚  fox8.Com, 22 Nov. 2017.â€Å"JFK in Congress.†Ã‚  National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration.â€Å"John F. Kennedy: Life Before the Presidency.†Ã‚  Miller Center, 22 Apr. 2018.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Fundamental Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Fundamental - Case Study Example This organisation is facing considerable pressure meet a deadline for a military clothing contract, or suffer severe financial penalties. Should production stop at any time the delay could cost up to AUD$500 per minute. This manufacturer specifically produces outdoor and work wear. Currently, there is significant discontent amongst workers. There are three maintenance fitters who are salaried, and are eligible for overtime payments. Each fitter is responsible for the machinery in 5 production lines. The line of report is direct to the foreperson. Currently this group of fitters is unable to meet maintenance scheduling commitments without working overtime, and repair jobs are taking longer than in previous peak operating periods. A production manager has responsibility for the operations of these lines, and reports directly to the managing director, who is a major shareholder in the company. This production manager is salaried, not entitled to overtime or productivity bonuses, although a company car is included in this individual's remuneration package. Ostracism of workers from lunchrooms and tea breaks, and vandalism to personal property, including motor vehicles in the employee car park. This is currently limited to the shop floor personnel and is not apparent at management levels. The production manager however, has exhibited a higher than usual requirement for sick leave and often arrives up to 45 minutes late each day and takes extended lunch breaks before departing exactly on time at the close of business. You have also been asked to advice on the treatment that should be issued to this person. Suggestions and solutions Taking these concerns into cvonsiderrat9ion a site visit was conducted. These solutions or means to a solution were formulated, Significant equity comparisons being made between workers regarding rates of pay on the same production lines. It is suggested that due to this piece rate system that is in use in the factory. There are obvious concerns by management regarding the productivity of parts of the production line. Problems appear around speed and feed issues in the lines. Under equity arrangements, within the enterprise bargaining agreement, all workers are paid at the same piece rate.It also needs to be taken into consideration that sewing buttons and zippers on to clothes is time consuming. Seaming, looping and cuffing are very quick processes. A seamer, looper, or cuffer may perform at a rate of 3 units to 1 in comparison to the button and zipper hands.Factors of a toxic culture should be identified and addressed. These factors include demographic and social factors. Rapid urbanization, chaotic modernization and economic restructuring should also be taken into consideration especially in this situation. .A of speed and feed options should be considered to expedite the manufacture of garments. It will be necessary to identify the

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Legends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Legends - Essay Example What happened to me in sixth grade was just a spot of my bad history the real beginning was in junior high school. After graduating from primary school, I went to the fourth junior high school in the city. This was the best school in my hometown, but it was also famous for bad boys and girls. Most bad students from my city came to this school. There were three grades and I made several new friends who always wanted to play. I usually go with them and we played together every day. In China, we can’t smoke and go to the entertainment places. However, I started to smoke and was able to go to internet clubs with them. Sometimes we fight with other students for any reason, so some students were scared of us and treated us as bad guys, but we were not the worst students. Even though I always did bad things, my grade was a little good. I was good at English and Math, and I always got in the first three ranks. At the same time my parents began to work on their own company, so they har dly had time for me, and I started to behave worse. Actually, I thought I would have a party time without my parents’ control over me, but it didn’t take long. One day, I went to the internet club, as usual, not knowing that my mother followed me;. she criticized me and pulled me home. As a punishment, my parents made me kneel for three hours to reflect on what I did. Another occasion, my father learned from his friend that I also involved myself in fighting in the streets, so I was again punished for it.

Quality Management and Business Process Management Essay

Quality Management and Business Process Management - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that scholars like Apel viewed the Characteristic core of the scientific philosophy as the main alternative of modern scientific theory. Habermas’ theory of communication is of the notion that communication patterns are analyzed as well as ideal speeches are of utmost significance. Characteristics of honesty and accuracy provide a way for reflective, rational as well as moral decision making. Top quality management also consists of efforts that are aimed at installing and making a permanent condition in which a given organization continuously aims at improving its ability to deliver products and services of high quality to its clients or customers. The techniques of TQM mostly draw upon previously developed techniques and tools of quality control. This refers to a holistic approach to management to align an organization’s commercial processes with the needs of the customers. It makes use of a systematic approach in an attempt to gradually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a business while at the same time striving to achieve flexibility, integration with technology as well as innovation. This can actually be referred to as a process optimization procedure. This form of management can positively affect the revenue generation as well as cost. As an approach to management, BPM sees processes as an organization’s strategic assets that must be managed understood as well as improved so as to deliver services and products that are value added. This is the term that is associated with thinkers from the Frankfurt school of critical and social theory like Adorno, Fromm, Marcuse, Horkheimer as well as Habermas. The sole purpose of these is to help us to recognize how dominant ideologies are unjust and uncritically accepted by the majority.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus Essay

Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus - Essay Example The syllabus helps the students to participate in enjoyable physical activities. Besides, PDHPE equips the learners with the necessary skills that are essential for promoting active and healthy lifestyles in the community. This program would be essential in changing student’s attitude and value on healthcare and life skills through willingness to participate in a supportive healthcare and health-enhancing personal transformation and behavior change, and developing personal commitment to social justice health principles. However, the approaches advanced to promote this program is ineffective in all sectors. For instance, students with physical challenges and disability often suffer from being excluded in the healthcare and promotion programs proposed by the curriculum. Therefore, it is important for the special needs of the students with physical challenges to be considered. It is only through this exclusive program that the success in health and promotional program will be att ained. Therefore, it is important for the curriculum developer to identify the key academic needs of the students that would enhance their understanding and life skills and equip the learners with the skills and technical literacy knowledge in order for the students to develop deeper understanding of the concept of health and physical education (Literacy skills for the knowledge society, 2007) The main requirements for advancing student’s understanding of the literacy skills with respect to personal healthcare are increasing the students’ communication skills, problem-solving techniques, decision-making, planning, and interaction skills. These skills would be essential in increasing the students’ knowledge and understanding of the key subjects and literacy standards especially for the PDHPE 7-10 learners. To promote social justice principles in accordance with the syllabus, it is important for the institution to take care of personal and specialized needs of ind ividual students. A learner-emphasized education and training is therefore preferred for the PDHPE 7-10 students owing to the differences in the learners. The first step in developing literacy skills is effective communication skills. Students must be in a position to communicate effectively so as to enhance their interpersonal and academic skills. This calls for effective expression of ideas, concepts, and personal opinions either by verbal or non-verbal techniques (Antonacci, 2011). A combination of written and verbal communication skills is essential for the learners. Since education or learning is all about communication of ideas, it is therefore important for the learners to develop such interaction skills and technical knowledge that would make them better speakers and learners by being able to communicate or express themselves. In addition, communication and expression are not only important with the classroom but also in non-learning environments including social arena. Lear ners therefore must apply effective communication skills that are appropriate in resolving conflicts and effectively responding to others in their interaction. Effective communication skills are often demonstrated by the learners in a number of contexts including formal presentation, movement settings, informal interactions, social interactions and advocating physical and health activity within the learning environmen

Tourism and economic developement policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Tourism and economic developement policy - Essay Example ensive and extensive research article essentially and fundamentally delves deep into the advantages and challenges of the bottom up approach to tourism development in influencing and strengthening the economic growth of the region. The historical and geographic context of tourism development is also traversed in this study, consequently with in depth research into the socioeconomic and governmental involvement and significance and the overall efficacy and benefit of sustainable tourism. In this context the study is concentrated on one of the most promising emerging economies – India specifically its state of West Bengal. Dating back to the Roman Empire, the rich and the prosperous community only could afford to visit places to enrich experiences, to splurge in luxury and leisure, Baiae being one such seashore vacation place. â€Å"Tourism† was coined in 1811 and â€Å"tourist† by 1840. Whereas in 1936 the â€Å"tourists† were elaborately demarcated by the then ‘League of Nations’ as one journeying outside of country for a minimum of twenty-four hours – which was modified by the United Nations at the end of World War II in 1945 and conceived tourism as which expanded for the time period of maximum six months. The concept of eco-tourism was initiated in 1989. In the present scenario tourism is deemed to be the most rapidly evolving and vastly expanding global business with an approximate growth rate of 4 percent to 5 per cent per annum which is responsible for 10% of global gross domestic product (WTO). The advanced as well as emerging nations have attracted an enormous influx of foreign tourists with an estimate of 760 million in 2004 and another 1.6 billion anticipated by the World Tourism Organization (WTO 2005a) by the year 2020. With globalization and open-door policies being implemented world wide, more and more emerging and advancing nations are becoming the hot tourists’ hot attractions since 1950 at which time there was a record influx of 25 million

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus Essay

Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus - Essay Example The syllabus helps the students to participate in enjoyable physical activities. Besides, PDHPE equips the learners with the necessary skills that are essential for promoting active and healthy lifestyles in the community. This program would be essential in changing student’s attitude and value on healthcare and life skills through willingness to participate in a supportive healthcare and health-enhancing personal transformation and behavior change, and developing personal commitment to social justice health principles. However, the approaches advanced to promote this program is ineffective in all sectors. For instance, students with physical challenges and disability often suffer from being excluded in the healthcare and promotion programs proposed by the curriculum. Therefore, it is important for the special needs of the students with physical challenges to be considered. It is only through this exclusive program that the success in health and promotional program will be att ained. Therefore, it is important for the curriculum developer to identify the key academic needs of the students that would enhance their understanding and life skills and equip the learners with the skills and technical literacy knowledge in order for the students to develop deeper understanding of the concept of health and physical education (Literacy skills for the knowledge society, 2007) The main requirements for advancing student’s understanding of the literacy skills with respect to personal healthcare are increasing the students’ communication skills, problem-solving techniques, decision-making, planning, and interaction skills. These skills would be essential in increasing the students’ knowledge and understanding of the key subjects and literacy standards especially for the PDHPE 7-10 learners. To promote social justice principles in accordance with the syllabus, it is important for the institution to take care of personal and specialized needs of ind ividual students. A learner-emphasized education and training is therefore preferred for the PDHPE 7-10 students owing to the differences in the learners. The first step in developing literacy skills is effective communication skills. Students must be in a position to communicate effectively so as to enhance their interpersonal and academic skills. This calls for effective expression of ideas, concepts, and personal opinions either by verbal or non-verbal techniques (Antonacci, 2011). A combination of written and verbal communication skills is essential for the learners. Since education or learning is all about communication of ideas, it is therefore important for the learners to develop such interaction skills and technical knowledge that would make them better speakers and learners by being able to communicate or express themselves. In addition, communication and expression are not only important with the classroom but also in non-learning environments including social arena. Lear ners therefore must apply effective communication skills that are appropriate in resolving conflicts and effectively responding to others in their interaction. Effective communication skills are often demonstrated by the learners in a number of contexts including formal presentation, movement settings, informal interactions, social interactions and advocating physical and health activity within the learning environmen

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

U07d2 Laws Balancing Access and Protection Essay

U07d2 Laws Balancing Access and Protection - Essay Example The organizations now aim at having paper free offices and all the doctors now use the electronic medium to communicate rather than in paper. However, similar to the use of paper, this method of record keeping also has its own merits and demerits. In today’s world, everyone is very concerned not only about themselves but also about the environment around them, hence the paper less offices and reducing carbon footprints. However one important thing to note is that the use of computers for keeping records can be quite a threat to security for the personal information of millions and millions of people (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2010). In order to ensure that the electronic data is in place and is standardized and hack free, there have been a number of changes including the shift from the traditional viewpoints to newer auditing methods. Similar to the many laws that have been developed over the years, the Privacy Rule also works on the need for independence and personal space in terms of the collection and distribution of healthcare information. Apart from the difficulty of the medical records, the health care organizations are also faced with an issue to upkeep the confidentiality of the communication both in terms of verbal as well as written (Adler, 2008). As the data protection act prohibits the leak of any personal information, similarly, all medical information should also be kept very confidential and should only be shared with consent of the patient. The chapter brings out the most important point of focus, i.e. that the medical records, irrespective of whether they have been tampered or not for any profits, any fabrication or falsifying of data can lead to both criminal as well as civil liability (Beaver & Herold, 2003). No information can be leaked out, modified, or destroyed as this can lead to a criminal charge against the healthcare personnel. The basic idea of the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cal by Bernard Mac Laverty - Critical Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Cal by Bernard Mac Laverty Critical Evaluation Essay Cal is a romantic-tragedy novel written by the Irish author, Bernard Mac Laverty. It is a fiction story about a young man living in Northern Ireland during the troubles of the 1970s. The writer conveys a number of significant themes through skilful writing and the novels plot, such as guilt, hypocrisy and bigotry. In this essay, I will be focusing on the themes of the story, the purpose of why the novel was written and the authors use of imagery to enhance his writing. The events of this story take place in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. During the period of time in which this story is set in, Northern Ireland was going through what we would now refer to as being The Troubles. This was a period of conflict involving republican and loyalist paramilitary organisations and included conflicts and violence. Cal is about a young adult named Cal who is living in Northeren Ireland at this time. He is a Catholic living in a Protestant area with his father, Shamie. This leads to him being the victom of many bigotry driven attacks, such as his house being burnt down and to him being insulted on his own street. He starts to fall in love with a woman named Marcella, which, from the very beginning, is a doomed relationship. This is because a year earlier Cal was reluctantly involved in the murder of a Protestant policeman, who was, in fact, Marcellas husband. Cal becomes closer and closer to Marcella as the novel goes on, and you find out more about the murder as the plot develops. He then lands himself a job at Mrs. Mortons farm, the mother of Marcellas husband, Robert. This brings him even closer to Marcella and they start to have a relationship with each other. This relationship becomes even more intense when Cal is offered to stay in Mrs. Mortons outhouse (as his house had been burnt down). He is then arrested at the end of the novel, for the murder of Robert. The ending of the story was very skilfully done. Near the end of the story, Mac Laverty builds up massive tension through certain events in the plot. It is then all concluded in a small, yet effective, paragraph. It tells us enough information to feel satifsfied, yet wanting to know more. It leaves key questions in the readers mind such as whether he deserved it or not and what will be his fate. I believe that the plot is a very important aspect of the story as it develops the mood and atmosphere and it is the events which take place which allow the themes to be conveyed. All the characters in Cal have complicated lifes. Most of them have good and bad sides and are all affected in different ways by the troubles. Cal is nineteen years old. He lives with his father and he is a Catholic. He is caught up with the IRA (Irish Republican Party) and takes part in a number of crimes which he does not want to be part of. After he joined, he had to do what they asked, such as when Cal thinks of the things the IRA do: They shoot deserters even deserters who protested that they had never joined in the first place. This quotation shows that Cal is scared of Crilly and Skeffington (members of the IRA) and that he is in danger. It also shows that Cal never wanted to take part in the violence making it sound stupid that they would shoot him. This whole section shows that Cal is vunerable. The writer makes out that Robert is a hard working loving man throughout the story. For example, when Marcella is telling Cal about her husband: He was so plausible one of those people that everybody likes in company. This quote shows that Robert was popular and was a worthy man, and there is also evidence showing that he was witty and intelligent. However, we later find out that he was not all what he was meant to have been, as Marcella confesses to Cal: He told lies, Cal. All the time. About his affairs I know he had two or three at least about his drinking and the money he spent This is an example of how the characters have both good and bad characteristics. Despite this, Marcella still loved him and was distraught when he was murdered. This also makes the characters more realistic, which lets the reader relate to the different characters in Cal. It also creates the question of who was too blame for The Troubles which relates to the theme and purpose of the novel, which I will be discussing later in this essay. All of the characters are affected by the troubles as well, as most of their problems are due to that situation. For example, if it was not for the troubles, then Cal would not have been involved with the IRA and Robert wouldnt have been murdered, taking problems out of all of the characters lives. All of the characters features reflect the themes, such as Cals characteristic of being vunerable, leading to his self loathing and guilt. There are many themes in the novel Cal. One of these themes that I will be focusing on is the theme of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy means the pretence of possessing virtues, beliefs or qualities that one does not really have, especially in matters of religion or morality. One way in which the author displays this theme is via specific characters, such as Crilly. Crilly is part of a gang who are fighting for independence from Great Britain. For example, when Skeffington is talking about Crilly: There are not many aspects of our culture which interests Mr Crilly. But hes a useful man. This quote shows that Crilly does not care about Irish independence and culture but is only in the gang as he likes the thrill of violence. It also shows that the IRA are not offended about his beliefs but just want him to help with their struggle. This shows them being hypocritical as they kill people who do not believe or reject their views, but someone who does not care about Irish independence can help with the violence. Another way in which hypocrisy is showing is through thoughts of characters and their dialogue. This is taking from a part where Dunlop (Cals Protestant employer) is talking to Cal about the situation in Northern Ireland: Would you do the same to the Loyalist prisoners every time a Catholic was murdered? Dunlop thinks that for any Protestant policeman who is murdered by a Catholic, two Catholics should be shot. This quotes shows that Dunlop is a hypocrite as he would shoot two Catholics every time a Protestant policeman was murdered but not if it was the other way around. This also shows that Dunlop is a bigot, which ties in with my next theme, bigotry. A bigot is a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to their own religion, or opinion. Bigotry is the main cause of fear and violence in the story. One night, Cal and his father receive a note stating: GET OUT YOU FENYAN SCUM OR WELL BURN YOU OUT. THIS IS YOUR 2ND WARNING, THERE WILL BE NO OTHER UVF This clearly diplays pure bigotry. Cal and his father are being threatened to leave their home of many years, just because of their religion. This quote also shows how ignorant the UVF are, as they have spelt fenyan wrongly. This leads to Cal and his father being fearful, for example: Shamie was putting the gun beneath his pillow and climbing into bed This shows that Cals father has to keep a weapon underneath his pillow as there is a constant threat of violence. Another theme which has been cleverly developed is the theme of guilt. Cal feels guilty about his involvement in the killing of Robert, which leads to his self-loathing. At the start of the novel, the writer makes this very obvious: Merde. Crotte de chein. Merderer. Cal hates himself so much, that he makes up words to describe himself. The word merderer has a possible two meanings; it shows that he is guilty and secondly it shows his self loathing. As he becomes more and more involved with Marcella, his guilt increases: Now that he felt safe from the world outside he was being attacked from within his own head This quote is taken from the section where he is living and working with Marcella. It shows that guilt is eating him up and is destroying him and his life. The author also uses writing techniques to convey the theme of guilt: It was as if idleness had allowed dirt to accumulate on his [Cal] soul, to clog his mind, and work moved him through it untouched Mac Laverty uses this metaphor to show how Cal was brooding over Mortons death and his involvement. It also shows that he thinks that he deserves to go to hell for what he has done. When Marcella tells Cal about what Robert was really like, it complicates his guilt as he now knows that Robert sometimes brought misery to Marcella, and maybe it was good that Robert was murdered. All of these themes show the writers purpose in writing. He shows bad and good sides to both Protestant and Catholic organisations, leading to us to wonder which is the good side in the novel. The story also shows us how difficult and violent Northern Ireland was at that time in history, and how deeply everybody was affected. To an extent, the way the author writes also shows aspects of him being a bit ashamed of his country, due to the negative details and feelings he writes about. Mac Laverty uses a range of techniques to create the mood and atmosphere in the novel. One of these techniques, is his use of imagery. The story starts with this mood with the author describing the scenes taking place in an abattoir: It was immediately winched up by one of the hind shanks and its throat cut The author uses a lot of violence and blood imagery at the start of the novel to set the tone of the book. Other evidence which shows this use of evidence is that there are a lot of deaths and murders mentioned in the novel. An example of this is when Cal and his father are watching the news and the author describes the events that had happened, which were mainly murders and violence, in a way which seemed to be normal. Death permeates the novel as does religion. There are often references to the Bible and to religious symbols throughout the novel. Symbolism is another technique that Mac Laverty uses. There is also symbolism to certain fairytales, such as when Marcella is talking to Cal about her daughter, Lucy: Lucys favourite story at the minute is Repunzel This is significant as Marcella feels like she is trapped because she tries to do the right thing. The plot has been structured in a sophisticated way. The story has two climaxes: one in the middle and the other at the end. The first one occurs when the writer tells you about the death of Robert. This is significant as there is a huge tension built up before you find out. The author does this via short clues which are spread out throughout the novel and short sentences. The second climax is done in a similar way, but the paragraph in which it concludes, is quick and snappy and tells of only the most significant point, which is Cal being arrested. The dialogue of the novel is very realistic. The author does this by using Irish forms of slang, such as da instead of dad, and explicit language. The writer also uses great techniques to enhance his writing: His sin clawed at him, demanding attention The writer personifies the idea of the sin, describing the feeling of it clawing, to give the idea of Cals guilt and how is is destroying him and is eating him up. The verb clawing is associated with violence and adds to the imagery that the author uses to enhance his novel and to create the atmosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Cal. It made me realise how lives can be ruined due to situations which do not even involve them. The themes of the novel also made me more aware about some peoples views and how they can sometimes be full of violence and hatred. It showed me what life was like in Ireland in those days and how we have to try to avoid anything so destructive from happening again.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blackbird Play Review And Analysis Theatre Essay

Blackbird Play Review And Analysis Theatre Essay After being separated for 15 years, Una comes looking for Ray at his workplace after discovering his picture in a magazine. They once had an illicit relationship, and have been suffering the consequences ever since. What transpires next is a series of chilling twists and turns as details of their sordid past begin to unravel. Blackbird is essentially a 75-minute duologue between two tormented souls, in an extremely filthy and under-maintained office pantry, which Ray calls a pigsty. This intense confrontation, being the focal point of the entire play, situates itself in a confined space. The claustrophobia is evident in the beginning of the play, when Ray keeps finding excuses to leave the pantry. Director Tracie Pangs artistic directions add a dimension of compelling realism, that would have been otherwise missing from the near-claustrophobic confrontation taking place onstage. The minimalist set design by Nicholas Li (with just a dim fluorescent tube light, a dispensing machine, a clogged litter bin, a few lockers, one table and four chairs) echoes Rays repressed life. The barbed wire lining the top of the set is a fitting reminder of the entrapment Una felt throughout her entire life. The subtle use of sound by Darren Ng (constant buzzing sound of a dully running office) also contributes to the mellow tone of the play. The most sublime scene in the play fully transports the audience to relive that fateful moment of elopement 15 years ago. The interplay between actors, set, lights and sound is at its best. Darren Ngs sound design (seagulls on a beach, a bell tolling midnight) balances perfectly with the action onstage, teasing out the nuances during that scene. The projection of symbolic images on the pantry windows also creates a stunning effect. It is no surprise that David Harrowers script has received the critical acclaim it has. The beauty of the script lies in its emotive capture of the juvenile mindset. The lines written for Unas flashback of her younger days (the yearning thoughts, the defence mechanism, the way a young girl would see the world) is spot-on and succinct. I am impressed by how Harrower slowly teases the audience by choosing to reveal morsels of new information about their past as the plot unfolds, thus ensuring that the audience is constantly engaged. Every line of dialogue between Una and Ray is wrought with a dark emotion which blurs the boundaries between right and wrong. The audience plunges deep into the damaged and disturbed psyches of Harrowers two characters who seek for answers but arrive at none. Like most plays dealing with illicit affairs, Blackbird leaves the audience questioning: Who is the culprit? Who is the victim? Is there necessarily a clear-cut right and wrong in their relationship? It is Una who discovered Rays whereabouts and sought him out, but to what purpose: Revenge, reconciliation or resolution? Augusto Boal, the founder of Theatre of the Oppressed, sees theatre as the passionate combat of two human beings on a platform (Boal, 1995). Boals approach attempts to substitute passivity with empowerment (monologue with dialogue). Monologue creates a relationship of oppressor versus oppressed, as the person talking forces his counterpart into listening. All relationships could tend to become a monologue, a man and a woman, one of them tends to become the actor and the other one, the spectator.  Human relationship should be a dialogue but one of them sometimes becomes active and the other passive.   So oppression is this: All dialogues that become monologues (Boal, 1979). In Blackbird, the roles of the oppressor and the oppressed are constantly reversed as Una and Ray attempt to assume power over each other. The confrontation between Una and Ray starts at a frenetic pace with Una being the oppressor, circling Ray like a vulture and forcing him into a corner with words like a scalpel. Ray keeps finding excuses to leave the pantry as he suspects Una of hiding a weapon. However, the tables are turned (literally) when Ray starts to justify his wrongdoings with an assertive tone, leaning towards Una with clenched fists, while Una tries to avoid him by facing the wall. During Unas flashback monologue, she clutches her bag tightly as she recalls about her suffering, while Ray collapses into a chair, burying his head in his palms with repent. The tug-of-war continues as they dig up the past through passion-laden monologues and exchanges. Blackbird is a dialogue of hurt and wayward passion, told with superb onstage chemistry. Credit goes to Daniel Jenkins and Emma Yong for digging deep to produce extraordinarily layered performances. Their excellent turns bring Harrowers deservedly-acclaimed script to life. I specifically wish to highlight Emma Yongs performance. Yongs connection to her character Una is exceptionally amazing. She shows her remarkable versatility as a 27-year-old who has experienced deep tragedy as a child. This illicit affair resurfaces after 15 years where Ray has moved on to a new life, while Una has been left to drown in shame. She remains stone-faced the entire time but her eyes express a myriad of emotions, from hatred to madness to confusion to yearning. Yongs tears of conflicted pain during her flashback monologue is beautifully heart-wrenching. She ably navigates the complex psychological aspect of Unas character and conveys the emotional range required for a character who had sexual intimacy with a man at a tender age. However, one minor flaw would be her pace in line delivery, which sounds rushed at times. Jenkins plays his character Ray with equal passion. His pace, in contrast to Yong, is more balanced. He discharges his performance with gusto, engaging the audience and leading them to sympathise with his plight as the drama unfolds. I was surprised that Jenkins was not initially cast as the male lead. Blackbird was postponed from March 2010 to September due to the unusual circumstance of actor Patrick Teoh quitting the production. Teoh felt that he was unable to fulfil the demands of the role. After watching the play, one could probably see where he was coming from. It is essentially just two people in the same space for 75 minutes, but truth be told, it did not feel that long at all. The 75-minute playing time is filled to the brim with palpable tension and raw emotions. When the cliffhanger climax ended with a truly unexpected twist, I found myself at the edge of my seat. Quoting Unas opening line: Shocked? Yes indeed. Blackbird appears to be a simple situation begging for a simple judgment: It was abuse, was it not? But the complicated tangle of emotions leaves one with a feeling of disquiet and unease which is hard to shake off, even after the curtain falls.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Microraptor Gui: Link Between Bird and Dinosaur Essay -- Explorato

The Microraptor Gui: Link Between Bird and Dinosaur The Debate: For years paleontologists have debated intensely about the origin of birds. How did air-borne birds evolve? How did they learn to take flight? Are they linked to dinosaurs? If they are, which species of these reptiles are the birds closest related to? The Find: From 2001 and 2002, six new basal dromaeosaurid specimens from the Lower Cretaceaous Jehol Group in Chaoyang Basin in western Liaoning, China, were found. These six specimens of the Microraptor gui, previously known genus Microraptor, were discovered by Xing Xu from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology. Microraptor gui gets its name in honor of Gu Zhiwei, a renowned paleontologist who contributed greatly to the study of Jehol biota. So far over 60 species of fossil plants, 1000 species of fossil invertebrates, and 70 species of fossil vertebrates have been found in these rocks, dating back to the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous periods. Recently there has been much media attention to these rocks that yield such vital information in the evolution of birds, and origins of feathers. The Microraptor gui is 77 cm in length. It is believed to have lived between 124 and 145 million years ago. The Microraptor Gui has four wings in total. Interestingly, it has a w ing on each hind-limb. The Microraptor gui is a bird: Some will argue that the Microraptor gui was a bird. Feathers cover its entire body. It has forelimbs much like the wings of modern birds, and modified for flight. The pelvis characteristics derived from basal birds. The Microraptor gui had a vane on one side of the feather’s spine that was wider than the other. â€Å"This nuance of design strongly suggests these fe... ... and theropauds has also been illustrated in popular modern movies such as Jurassic Park III. Here Steven Spielberg accurately depicts the newly found details of the raptors. Contrary to the first two editions of the movie, this time the raptors have feathers at the top of their heads. In order to allow the audience to easily recognize these fierce carnivores from the prequels of the movie the change was not drastic, but it was a positive step in accurately depicting dinosaurs in movies. To solve the whole question of linking birds and dinosaurs one would need to find a feathered dromaeosaur adapted to life in the trees as opposed to on the ground, and the Microraptor gui seems to be just this. Through the discovery of Microraptor gui it is clear that birds share a common ancestry with small carnivorous dinosaurs called dromaesaurs found in the theropod group.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gone with the Wind Essay

â€Å"Gone with the Wind† is an adaptation of an historical romance. The film, set in Civil War-era southern United States, tends to be highly sentimental. Paradoxically, the circumstances in which it is set are often harrowing and serve to highlight the bravery required to survive during that time. The â€Å"frothiness† of the plot is in stark contrast to the utter seriousness of its context. The film opens in the antebellum South, on a Georgia plantation where the heroine entertains two gentlemen callers. The talk is of imminent war, a theme which guests carry through the subsequent picnic. Talk then turns to action and the men depart to enlist in the Confederate Army. Confidence and jubilation quickly become disappointment which gives way to horror as the realities of war intrude upon the genteel tableau. Under assault, the Southerners struggle to keep their society together in the face of poverty, filth, and chaos. We see the major historical points of the period, especially Sherman’s march through Georgia and the burning of Atlanta, a scorched earth policy. The women are the main characters in the film. In the effects of war and its aftermath we see destitution, famine, terror, desperation. The wounded are legion and supplies dwindle and disappear. The war ends and the soldiers come home to regroup. Carpetbaggers descend and begin an uneasy alliance with enterprising individuals, notably Scarlett. She casts aside honor to regain prosperity, marrying for money and using her combination of feminine wiles and shrewdness to rise above abject poverty. Finally she marries Rhett, a selfish opportunist like her. At the end he realizes that she will never love him and leaves Scarlett with that which has sustained her; an abiding love for Tara. This narrative is history seen from the women’s perspective. They are alternately brave, childish, and childlike, treading on the line between what they are and what they must be. They do it for the men of the South, themselves, and for the South itself. The depiction of the war and the events surrounding it is largely consistent with the historical record. The factual portions of the film are in part accurate. For instance, at a benefit supporting the war, the ladies are asked to relinquish their jewelry. Such a depiction is consistent with the account in â€Å"The American Civil War† by Peter J. Parish and it highlights one of the sacrifices women made during this time. George A. Trenholm, who replaced Secretary of the Confederate Treasury Memminger, asked for these concessions as the finances of the South became particularly desperate. This detail concerns one of the points at which â€Å"Gone With the Wind† succeeds as history. â€Å"†¦wealthy female slaveholders escaped significant disruption in their lives at the outset of the war, for they had money to maintain their antebellum lifestyle and the slaves to maintain plantation production. † (Frank 514) Thus the sheltered experience depicted in the film is wholly consistent with rich women’s lives until the last stages of the period. In opposition, several events as depicted in â€Å"Gone with the Wind† are inaccurate. At the end and after the war, black people did not leap to the aid of their former masters as the film asserts. The character Mammy would have sought paid employment rather than stay on a ruined plantation. In reality, the vast majority of the planters used violence to subjugate their â€Å"property. † In one scene, the character Ashley Wilkes chides Scarlett for treating the convict workers in her lumber mill cruelly in supposed contrast with their treatment of the slaves. It is true that in the darkest days for the South they did choose to prevail upon the Negroes to fight for their own oppression. â€Å"There was no greater irony in all the efforts of the Confederacy to find adequate means to match its ambitious goals than the proposal to arm Negroes. † (Parish 561) But the slaves did not fight for the South as much for a newfound and cherished liberty, greater than they had ever known. And once they had tasted that liberty, they did not willingly acquiesce in the imposition of a terrible, unjust burden. The importance of the Civil War and its aftermath can hardly be overstated. The struggle has been the only armed conflict fought on our territory. It consumed nearly 500,000 lives, the largest wartime death toll in American history. It also was a first step in remedying the shame of slavery which Americans had perpetrated in a country which largely had been the realization of a vision of freedom and equality. They fought with not only the political reality of the South’s secession of 1861, but with the region’s separate psychology. â€Å"By 1860 the South was a state of mind as well as a place on the map. A definition of ‘Southernness’ was and is at least as much a task for the psychologist as for the geographer. † (Parish 303) This enduring mindset notwithstanding, had the South won, not only would the crime of slavery have been continued, it is doubtful that the U. S. would have grown into the superpower it is today. The war determined that an integral part of the union would remain. The significance of the war for the world at large in the mid-nineteenth century â€Å"†¦belongs in part to the realm of might-have-beens; its long-term consequences derived less from what did happen from what did not. † (Parish 381) Among the events that very well might have happened were interference from foreign governments, international recognition of the Confederacy, and the widening of this internecine war into a general conflagration abroad. Such luck for the union was due to the relative isolation the U. S. has enjoyed throughout its history. Americans fought their war amid constant threats from abroad. â€Å"There was nothing inevitable about the fact that it remained a domestic†¦affair. It remained a purely American affair through a combination of good fortune and great skill on the part of those who wished to keep it so, gross errors on the part of those who did not, and canny calculations of national and self-interest on the part of those who might have been caught in its toils. † (Parish 381) Although some continue to fight this war in their minds, they benefit from over 200 years of federal association and its attendant largess. As I stated earlier, with regard to the historical accuracy of the film as document, it is a women’s narrative. Though there was no Scarlett O’Hara per se, the things we see her experience and perpetrate on others is consistent with the accounts of those who actually lived in that time and place. The threat of starvation was indeed present in all households in the later stages. â€Å"Domestic production and ingenuity staved off a state of crisis for slaveholding women for a while, but, by the end of the war starvation and material deprivation shook even the most affluent households. † (Frank 515) When Scarlett was forced to hide her wagon under a bridge with three highly vulnerable people in it while Northern soldiers passed overhead, she was surviving a circumstance familiar to many Southern women. â€Å"†¦many faced the hazards of living in the path of the Union army. Those who resided near the battlefront risked having their property commandeered, stolen, or destroyed by Northern soldiers. (Frank 515) Such dangers were in addition to the threat, both potential and realized, of bodily violation. Scarlett valiantly, not to say desperately, defends herself and her loved ones against a looting Union soldier when she shoots him in the face. It is an act not uncommon to those willing and able to defend themselves. The depiction of slave and ex-slave loyalty is highly romanticized to say the least. â€Å"Gone with the Wind† depicts Negroes as possessing a childlike innocence. They seem to be a rich vein of merriment instead of the human beings upon which the horrors of bondage had been visited. Nowhere do we see slavery’s pain and degradation. The black characters in the film are even more a caricature than even the heroine is at times. The film’s tendency toward opaque sentiment at first glance is a terrible injustice to a period quite painful to the American psyche be it black or white, Northern or Southern. Certainly the film is nowhere near the caliber of slave narratives, Ken Burns’ â€Å"the Civil War†, or â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin. † However, it is important as hitherto all-too-often neglected genre of women’s history. Seldom in mainstream culture is the women’s perspective represented so faithfully. And equally seldom is it given the attention and resources devoted to this film. It is simply not taken seriously enough and shunted off into women’s studies classes rather than included in the mainstream of scholarship. Valuable though they are, the women’s studies classes or gender studies courses tend to attract the favor of those predisposed to appreciate them. â€Å"Gone With the Wind†, for a long while a staple of popular culture, has reached a much wider audience. In many ways this movie is indeed an historical romance, ladies’ fiction. However it is also a significant historical document. Many more people have learned about the Civil War from the women’s point of view by means of viewing this film than from any other source. This fact, in addition to its inclusion of important data, renders it deserving of attention and respect. For instance, it highlights the worthlessness of the Confederate currency, a situation which underscores the sheer lack of administrative competence displayed in the South at all stages of the war. Not only did the Confederates fight the North, they also had to contend with the inherent weaknesses of their fledgling nation, as they sought to envision it. Many things weakened â€Å"The Cause†, most notably slavery’s lack of long-term viability as an economic model. The South was heavily invested in a system which had no hope of succeeding beyond a few years. To a great extent, the Confederacy fell under its own weight, much to the past and continuing chagrin if its champions and much to the edification of the nation of which it is a part as well as humankind in general. If only the proof of that assertion would not have required the death of so many and the maiming of still more. Bibliography Frank, Lisa Tendrich. Women in the American Civil War Vol. II. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, Inc. , 2008 Parish, Peter J. American Civil War, the. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1975.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Little Prince Reaction Paper

The Little Prince â€Å"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential Is invisible to the eye. † This line struck me the most in this book because it is definitely real. It is Important to see things not only through the eyes but through the heart as well. Seeing through the heart is like looking at life with love. Life has many problems and by seeing things differently, it would make everything feel better. Looking at things in a different perspective creates a big difference.People usually tend to take for ranted those people who love them. They usually look for others whom they do not really love. But whom they want. I learned a lot of things from this book because it is all about the adventure of a little prince who went to different planets to forget about his rose and the people he met in his journey. Including the narrator. He learns the secret of the importance of life on planet Earth. The book also emphasizes the difference between the minds of the children and adult.The adult tend to see things in a different way that coincides tit the point of view of the children. In the case of the narrator, his childhood was lonely because he dreamed of becoming a painter but he failed because the adults saw his drawings in a different perspective. He was disheartened by this and so he gave up his dream. The little prince had a different problem. He left the love of his life, the rose, In his planet. When he went to Earth, he saw a garden full of roses. He felt betrayed by his love because the rose told him that it was unique and one and only rose.He was disheartened but when he met a fox who made him realize that the rose was his rose because he loves it and so it was unique from all the rest. Another important lesson that I learned from the book Is that people should learn how to value friendship. Some people tend to forget some people who made an important mark in their lives. Having a true friend is rare and we all know that mone y cannot buy love and friendship. One of the lines in the book supports this idea. â€Å"men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops.But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore†¦ † These close ties would make us happy because we need people who care for us and also we need to care for someone. Just like the little prince and the fox he met on earth, when the former tamed the latter, he felt responsible for the fox. When the little prince had to go already, the fox was sad because he was already attached to the prince. The little prince was unhappy because the fox wanted to cry and that he thought he only wasted the fox's time.The tofu eel important. I learned that caring for people is essential because it would make both parties happy. The feeling that someone loves you and someone wants to be with you is a very happy feeling that no one wants to live without. As a whole, thi s book gave me many ideas and realizations that I would treasure in my whole life. I realized that is should not take for granted the people who loves me dearly. I learned the value of friendship and preserving them. And lastly, I learned to see things in a different perspective by looking things from my heart.

Frankenstein: Nature vs Nurture

Twins are commonly used to study the effects of nature versus nurture. Ones immediate surroundings define who they become later on in life. The environment plays a huge role in the development of humanity through cultivating personality, character, beliefs, and many different aspects in a person’s life. Different environmental influences provide for a variety of people. In terms of the literary selection Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the author’s view on Nature vs.Nurture is that the development of an individual revolves around nature. Firstly, the creature conceals wantonly emotions due to the flagrant mistreatment of society. Frankenstein exclaims â€Å"The love of another will destroy the cause of my crimes, and I shall become a thing of whose existence everyone will be ignorant† (Shelley 106). If someone is being shown love and kindness, they will be prone to reciprocate these emotions.As Frankenstein is persuading Victor to create him a female he commiserate s with humanity exclaiming, â€Å"I shall feel the affections of a sensitive being and become linked to the chain of existence and events, from which I am now excluded† (Shelley 106). Long term advantages for learning behavior and for the development of physical and mental health are obtained through stabilizing secure, receptive, and nourishing relationships. The creature learns this is early on in life which is beneficial, so he can carry out illustrious and consistent acts which is the key sustaining the foundation of a prevailing lifestyle.At first, the creature is destitute in expressing himself, however as he matures, he is able to manifest dissimilar emotions. Frankenstein verbally analyzes himself through concluding, â€Å"I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind† (Shelley 104). Learning through the acts of society and constantly being around certain attitudes attaches to the creature’s senses and he adapts. By vir tue of observing and grasping certain ideals of life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Planning - Essay Example It can be an interesting place to spend holidays, to relax, to enjoy with friends and rejoice. Capital invested should be forty percent of the self-investment and the rest of the capital should be acquired from other financial sources like state owned financial organization or private organizations. Once if the resort is a big hit and is full with memberships the designing of the facilities in the resort should be in manner that will not be congestive for the members. Advertising plays a crucial role in developing the resort and keeping up its reputation. A resort is equipped with a wealth of relaxing and recreational offerings throughout. A spacious garden A swimming pool A hall for parties Hotel & Lodging and Boarding A lobby for sitting and Lunch. A Disco Tec with attached pub. To make the resort a dream vacation which gives little retreats to our eyes. A small bird sanctuary or animal section for Time pass. A flowers garden or Butterfly park for nature enthusiasts. A tot-lot for playing little kids. A small pond with aquatic animals such as Dolphins, Swans etc. A sand park that has play tools for children. A place hosting a rural look with grass and huts and ethnic pots. A resort can also be equipped with a spa where women can get refreshed and relaxed. As a special feature it can also present a Horror-Show room with skulls and Skeletons to scare the Adults just for fun. The garden can be decorated with sculptural architectural beauty. It can also embrace the customers with Golf Court. Special Holiday packages are offered for families and newly wed couples. Special benefits can be offered to those who apply for membership. Imagiantive layout for a resortReferences Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. (2006) development hetelier. [online]. Available from:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Extended propsal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Extended propsal - Essay Example During the summit, the importance of access to credit by low income classes, women, and other vulnerable groups, was emphasized. In 1997, the movement gained another boost with the holding of the World Micro-Credit Summit in February 1997 in Washington, DC. During the summit, a countdown was announced, to the year 2005, for the eradication of poverty among 100 million of the world’s poorest families, targeting women in particular with micro-credit aimed at self improvement (Dhar, 2005). In the last 20 years, microfinance has proven to be a vital development tool capable of addressing the needs of vast number of poor people, in particular poor women, with a means of sustainable financial support for their livelihoods. In the 2005 State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign, microfinancial institutions were reported to have reached more than 92 million clients, in the process benefiting as many as 333 million family members. Poor people are no longer seen as charity recipients but customers to be attended to and served; of these, women comprise 83% - roughly 66 million – of reported microfinance clients. And not only are they better clients than men, being better repayers, but they also act as key drivers of development, channelling their extra income directly to the benefit of the family (McCarter, 2006). Even prior to its being called â€Å"micro-finance†, forms of small-scale financing have already been afforded to very poor families in developing countries such as India. However, with the advent of the term â€Å"micro-finance†, there appears to be a paradigm shift in the perception of people to the new facility. The old concept encompassed providing credit, at subsidized rates of credit, to poor families residing in rural and semi-urban areas, through public and government financial institutions (Dhar, 2005). Under the new concept, the target is rural and urban poor

Monday, October 7, 2019

California Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

California Dream - Essay Example The history of the notion traces its roots in late 19th century, when California was considered to be the golden state of America, as it literally had huge golden resources, which led to the California Gold Rash of 1848-1855 (Brands 103).Hence, bunches of immigrants flew to California, hoping to gain easy wealth and live happily ever after. Since then the name of California became closely related to the image of smooth happy life with wealth and prosperity. California Dream initially meant the life that Americans strived to achieve, because they believed that moving to California would mean constant luck and prosperity. One of the important reasons why California was considered to be a heaven on earth is because California is a state rich for resources, pleasant climate, and multiple job opportunities. In some time the original term was slightly changed and transformed in people’s minds. As far as California was rapidly growing, multiple industries have appeared in the state. They include film production of Hollywood, the Silicon Valley with its enormous technological development, California wine industry etc. The brand new industries created new job places and vast career opportunities. The image of California that used to be engaged with golden resources turned into the image of California as a state of the most ambitious and wealthy industries possible. Hence, California has preserved its image of America’s golden state, as it is still a pleasant region for many people who believe that living in California makes people more successful and happier. Although people are not coming to California looking for placer gold mines, working in such industries as filmmaking and Silicon Valley’s progressive technological area for most people means a constant resource of pleasure, glory, and money. This is the reason why the concept of California dream has become so popular in American mass culture, as